Friday, November 16, 2007

busy busy busy!

Yup! I have been really busy in school. Have been staying till 6ish everyday in school. Lots of work to complete even though it's the holidays already. We were busy in school rethinking about the school's mission, vision and values. I wonder if my rabbits were to have their mission, vision and values, what would they be then? Food for thought... :) Will post their mission, vision and values in the next post. have to discuss and brainstorm with them ya...

HRSS calendars 2008 are now on sale! A preview of the calendar is below. Do email me if you want one for yourself :)

Thought that they are done very nicely! Great work guys! :) Here's a link to our website if you wish to know more.

Do the right thing! Help us to help the abandoned rabbits!

Below is the cover of the ASD's calendar (Action for Singapore Dogs). They are selling their calendars too. Thought that it's nice too. Do your part for animal welfare groups so that they can help more abandoned animals out there...

Meanwhile, the bunnies at home are still pretty laid back, enjoying life, chasing each other, fighting for food occasionally, resting and relaxing... nice huh?

Updates at home...

This is the 'thief' with her slice of apple. She was worried that Roger her big greedy friend would snatch her favourite apple slice away so she grabbed the slice from my hand, ran to the triangular house which I made for her and hid there quietly to enjoy her food. Roger couldn't find her...

That's Roger lending a 'paw' to Gracie to lean on! He's finally becoming a fine young gentleman after months of home schooling by me!

Creme and Baby caught the 'busy' vibe from me. Good! Chewing and chewing and chewing their apple sticks!

That's all for now!
Carpe Diem! - Odes 1.1 by Horace


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