Tuesday, April 11, 2006

parallel parking...

I didn't realise that rabbits were so good at parallel parking till I saw this...

Haha... Another feeble attempt at trying to get them to bond...

Anyway, I finally persuaded my mum to allow me to adopt another one...

Introducing Creme...

Yea... another bunny wearing a mask... I seem to have a weakness for all bunnies who wear masks! Haha... Mum says I can adopt her only on 2 conditions... first... she must get along with Baby. Secondly, the other 2 must be 'okay' with having her as their neighbour. When I move out next year, I am going to try putting all 4 together! Hmmm...

Creme was also an abandoned case. She's really sweet. I fell in love with her since last year and was tempted to adopt her as she looked like Baby. Now that Baby is going to be with her, I can't help but get excited over it.

Hope they do get along! :)


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