Thursday, May 04, 2006

Some thoughts...

Had some thoughts on the way home just now...

I thought about the abandoned bunny yesterday and I am glad that I played a part in helping it. I hope my student will love her as much as I love my 4 babies at home...

It's not easy... Thinking back... The commitment... The time, the constant cleaning up after them, the loose fur flying around, the money for their food, the vet fees, the mediation I had to do when some bunny isn't happy with another one, the worries which I have when one of them falls sick... And yet, everytime I look at them, I know it's worth it...

They are worth all the effort I put in for them. It's difficult to explain why I feel such a connection with them. People who are not animal-people will never understand it.

I hope the girl who is keeping her now will understand what I mean... I hope she will learn to appreciate all the hard work she will put in cos of her...

I hope so... cos it's going to be a long and hard journey...

Dedicated to my 4 babies at home...


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